Billy Graham on Voting by

  “We Christians are not to withdraw ourselves and refuse or neglect to go to the polls and vote. We have a Christian duty and obligation to vote for the particular candidate that we believe to be best qualified for the job he is seeking.” ​Billy Graham, New Orleans,...

Fresh Food Hub Tasting Thursday in Auburn

Girls Night Out in Downtown Auburn, INThursday, September 10, 2020Second Thursday of every other month5-8 pm Downtown Auburn Come and have an amazing Girls Night Out evening filled with fun, sales, specials, refreshments, prizes and more! Exclusive late nights at...

Morning Meditation – Sept. 4

This morning’s meditation contained a presence of profound humility at its core.  As I went deeper into meditation, I was confronted with so many emotions initiated during the recent full moon.   I was then instructed, so very naturally to ease into an amazingly...