The First Sin

by Troy Lacey on June 18, 2008; last featured June 2, 2018 Featured in Answers in Depth PDF DOWNLOAD Keywords: sin, Adam and Eve, Fall, Garden of Eden, Satan, truth, pride, grace, rebellion, God The Ultimate Defense: Apologetics...

Cultivating a Heart of Humility

Yesterday I attended a church service in northern Indiana. I was blessed to listen to a profound ministry from the gentleman conducting the sermon. What I heard was mesmorizing to say the least. It spoke to my soul. The message was titled “Cultivating a Heart of...

How Fasting Affects the Heart and Blood Pressure

February 3, 2020 / Weight Loss Fasting: How Does It Affect Your Heart and Blood Pressure? A cardiologist’s perspective on pros and cons of fasting FACEBOOKTWITTERLINKEDINPINTEREST Do you sometimes fast for religious reasons or as a lifestyle choice? If...

Anti-Inflammatory Foods by

Written By Lisa Wartenberg, Franziska Spritzler 5 of the Most Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat Studies suggest that some foods can help decrease chronic inflammation. Watch this video to learn about anti-inflammatory foods. Studies suggest that some foods can help...

How to Listen to Others by Jordan B. Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Carl Rogers’s rule was, when you are listening to someone, do not assume that either you or they know what they are talking about or what they are going to say. Because people think by talking, so you have to...

“God’s Strength …..

Thank you to all in attendance this past Saturday, the 15th of April! The Holy Spirit was present and profound! “God’s Strength is Made Perfect in Weakness” – John MacArthur Through the silence and stillness of our surrender He came to us....

Meditation and Fasting: the Breath of Heaven

DAVID LANGNESS | MAR 5, 2018 PART 3 IN SERIES FASTING WITH THE BAHA’IS The views expressed in our content reflect individual perspectives and do not represent the official views of the Baha’i Faith. Think back: have you ever had a transcendent...

The Art of Fasting Worldwide

The Art of Fasting in Judaism? by Fasting in Judaism is defined as total cessation from all food and drink. A full-day fast begins with sunset in the evening and continues through darkness of the next day. A minor fast day begins with the dawn and...

Beyond Our Lizard Brain

Part of the Brain: The Inside Story exhibition.MORE IN BRAIN: THE INSIDE STORY Lizards and humans share similar brain parts, which they inherited from fish. These parts handle basic body functions like breathing, balance, and coordination, and simple...