
Samurai means “to serve.”

Tamurai means “to serve through tea.”


We begin with the selection and consumption of high quality tea. Through the consumption of tea, we make the connection to the earth and the sun. As our astronauts and NASA researchers continue to learn, only the connection to our earth, our atmospherically filtered sunlight, and that which they produce can sustain life as we know it.   Through this connection and creation, our mind, body, and soul are supplied with a cascade of life sustaining nutrients and antioxidants. Certain combinations of these nutrients are found only in the various teas created by our wonderful planet. The teas we support and supply are organic due to the fact tea is one of the few consumable products which makes its way directly from field to cup without any cleaning or washing. If a tea plant or tea field is sprayed with toxic harmful chemicals or fertilizers, they are consumed with the tea.  An additional consideration is that when consuming the highest quality of tea: the first growth, the earliest picking; the highest concentration of nutrients are consumed.  Older tea leaves are found to be out of balance, with higher concentrations of minerals that may be harmful to our health.

Nature designs tea to be consumed at a slower pace, so we encourage tea to explore the internal universe within each of us. As we unfold the discoveries within, we can then make the peaceful and harmonious connections with those we encounter in life. These connections whether individual or shared bring much satisfaction and joy. It is with this spirit of joy we thank you for sharing your journey of tea, spirit, and life. It is with great honor that we recommend and make available the products and services contained within.

 “I have three treasures, which I guard and keep.  The first is compassion.  The second is economy.  The third is humility.  From compassion comes courage.  From economy comes the means to be generous.  From humility comes responsible leadership.”  —Lao-Tse

Once we are on the journey of balance, we are then ready to seek the harmony of the “me/we” relationship that allows the healing of our world and those of its inhabitants.  We learn of how we connect and influence community.  We learn and share the vibrations that are so subtle, but yet so powerful.  These vibrations can only be felt with the heart and measured by the health and harmony of our internal and external environments.

We begin our quest with tea, share it through meditation & prayer, and grow it through our understanding and developing awareness as keys to unlock the secrets within.  Meditation & prayer unfolds Lao Tse’s compassionate courage, tea flowers the economy of generosity, and our growing humility through understanding allows us to lead others by example.


First Flush Darjeeling Indian Tea by teatulia.com


Shop Teatulia First Flush Tea
Shop Teatulia First Flush Tea

It can be intimidating when you step into a teashop and notice the countless types, classifications, and descriptions of tea. Who knew there were so many? Once you learn some of the basic tea lingo, you’ll be able to break down and decipher what each classification really means. In the world of premium teas, understanding Flush is a good place to begin.

First, teas are often classified by type, such as whitegreen, or black. Next, many teas are defined by the region where they were grown, such as China, Ceylon, India, or Bangladesh. Some teas may also be classified by how they were treated during processing, such as scented or flavored teas like Earl Grey and Jasmine.

When you take it a step further, premium teas are also often classified by Flush, or the time of year when tea leaves are plucked. Each Flush is determined by the geography and climate of the region where the tea is grown. First Flush is defined as the very first plucking of a tea plant’s harvest season. The new growth leaves plucked during First Flush are the youngest and most tender part of the tea plant and are said to yield the purest and freshest cup of tea that plant is capable of producing. Each additional Flush yields different flavor and aroma characteristics as the growing season for that tea plant progresses.

About Darjeeling Flushes

The Darjeeling region bumps up against Tibetan Himalaya and stretches between high mountain ridges and deep mountain valleys. The challenging geography and rough, sometimes inaccessible, terrain are what make Darjeeling such an exclusive tea. In fact, Darjeeling is only capable of producing one percent of India’s total tea output.The most common to be harvested and classified by Flush are the famous Darjeeling teas of India. Of India’s three main tea-growing regions, Darjeeling is not the largest but it is the best known for yielding some of the most prized tea in the world. To understand why is to understand the region’s geography.

Another reason Darjeeling tea is so prized is that it is completely unique to this region of India. While some Darjeeling tea gardens cultivate the native India tea bush variety (Camellia sinensis assamica), much of the tea cultivated in this region is the China variety (Camellia sinensis sinensis) that has acclimated to the high elevation and rugged climate that is similar to but unique from China’s. What’s more, many Darjeeling tea bushes may be a China-India hybrid found nowhere else in the world.

Because the winter weather is severe across the Darjeeling region, its tea bushes are dormant for many months of the year. Depending on the tea garden location, harvest season runs from February to November and yields several seasonal Flushes along the way. Each Flush takes advantage of the newest growth on the tea bush and reflects the seasonal effects on the leaves as the tea bush matures.

  • The First Flush is the picking of the brand new two leaves and a bud in the earliest spring growth of the plant, as early as February and often lasting through April. These early leaves are usually more delicate and tender and therefore more light, floral, fresh, brisk, and astringent in flavor. To preserve the spring leaf flavor, First Flush Darjeeling teas are generally less oxidized during processing and may appear more greenish in color than a typical black tea. Darjeeling First Flush tea is some of the most prized and expensive on the market. It is so special and exclusive that tea connoisseurs consider the first harvest from this region to be the “Champagne” of teas.
  • The Second Flush is picked as early as April and runs through May or June. Second Flush yields larger, more mature leaves with a purplish hue and silver tips or leaf buds. The leaf growth during this period is much more rapid than the early spring growth. These larger, fast-growing leaves yield a stronger yet smoother flavor for the finished tea. Teas from this Flush are known for their full-bodied, muscatel, and fruity flavor.
  • The Monsoon Flush runs from June or July through October and yields large leaves that brew into a stronger color and bolder flavor that is less complex or nuanced than the previous Flushes. Teas from this Flush are often used for iced tea and commercial tea bag tea production.
  • The Autumnal Flush happens in October and November and yields a finished tea with a rich copper-colored liquor that can be described as rich, full, nutty, and smooth in flavor. Leaf growth slows down during this period and the tea plant is squeezing out the last of what it has to offer before it goes dormant for the winter.

No matter which Flush a Darjeeling tea comes from, each batch of fresh leaf will be different from one day, one garden, one season to the next. Darjeeling leaves are processed…withered, rolled, oxidized…in a technique that reflects the conditions of the season and of the plucked leaf. So no batch of Darjeeling will ever be the same.

About Teatulia®’s First Flush

After the winter months and spring rains hit Teatulia’s own gardens in Bangladesh, our tea plants awaken from their winter dormancy bursting with new, tender leaves. We pluck these robust leaves and turn them into the purest and most exquisite cup of black tea available from our gardens.

Our First Flush tea brews into a golden liquor with the gentle aroma of honey and caramel. It’s a mildly astringent tea with a complex flavor that blends sweet malt with notes of soaked raisin and barley. The brewed tea contains about half the amount of caffeine than a cup of coffee.

Buying and Storing First Flush

When you buy a First Flush tea, you’re buying some of the freshest and most exquisite tea available. First Flush teas are premium teas that are typically more expensive than other teas on the market, so you’re usually making an investment in that tea. Therefore, it’s important to buy it from a reputable company that can tell you when and how the tea was processed and packaged. Ask the tea producer for specific instructions on storing and brewing your First Flush tea as well.

First Flush teas are usually only lightly oxidized so that their fresh flavor can shine through. Therefore, consuming your First Flush sooner rather than later is a good idea. First Flush teas can last up to one year if stored properly in a cool, dark place and in an opaque, airtight container away from light, moisture and pantry items like coffee and spices that can leach flavor into the tea leaves.

For more information about how to best care for your tea, visit our How to Store Tea page.

Brewing First Flush

Each First Flush is going to be different depending on where and how the tea was cultivated, harvested, and processed. To brew the perfect cup, ask your tea vendor for brewing instructions specific to the tea you purchased. Here are a few general brewing tips to keep in mind:

  • Use fresh, pure, cold filtered water. Spring water is the best.
  • First Flush teas are typically more lightly oxidized compared to other black teas. Therefore, they should be brewed in slightly cooler temperatures for less time to avoid a tea that is too astringent and bitter. We suggest brewing our Teatulia First Flush with water that’s just off the boil (180 to 200 degrees) for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • If you don’t have an electric kettle with temperature control, just remember that at sea level water simmers at 190 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. The boiling temperature drops about a degree for every 100 feet in altitude increase.
  • If your First Flush tea came with specific recommendations for brewing, use those. But using about 2 grams of loose leaf tea per 8 oz. cup of water is a safe bet.
  • Cover your tea while it steeps to keep all the heat in the steeping vessel.
  • The longer your tea steeps, the more quickly it will release any bitterness and astringency. So it’s important not to over steep a First Flush tea that already has an astringent quality. Taste your tea after the recommended steeping time and then decide if you’d like it to steep a little longer.
  • Most premium First Flush teas can be steeped multiple times.
  • Some First Flush teas are strong enough to stand up to milk and sugar, but for the best flavor experience try sipping your First Flush without any additives. That way, you can enjoy the subtle flavor of the freshest spring tea leaves.

Darjeeling Tea via Wikipedia
The Story of Drinking Tea: A Cultural History and Drinking Guide by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss
Indian Tea via Tea Class by Adagio

Are There Health Benefits to Drinking Moringa Tea? by webmd.com

The moringa tree has several intriguing nicknames. It is called horseradish tree because of the sharp flavor of its roots. People noted the long, thin bean pods and called it drumstick tree. Because of its medicinal uses, some call it the miracle tree. Researchers are looking into its potential health benefits. One of the easiest ways to enjoy this interesting plant is in the form of moringa tea. 

The best-known moringa, Moringa oleifera, grows in the Himalayan foothills. Other varieties are native to Africa. Because it grows rapidly, the moringa tree could be a valuable crop for cultivation in many parts of the world. The beans, root, seeds, and leaves all have practical uses. The leaves are boiled and eaten like spinach and dried for tea. You can also make tea using moringa powder.

Nutrition Information

Moringa tea does not have a lot of nutritive value. One moringa tea bag contains:

  • Calories: 0
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 1 grams
  • Fiber: 1 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams

Potential Health Benefits of Moringa Tea

Most scientific investigations of moringa are lab investigations or animal studies. More research is needed to prove the health benefits of moringa for humans.

Heart Health

In animal studies, moringa extract has improved heart health. In one study, moringa lowered cholesterol and reduced the formation of plaque in arteries. It acted in a manner similar to a statin drug

Diabetes Control

Moringa tea could help people with diabetes regulate their blood glucose levels. Many studies have shown positive results with animals. Human studies have been less consistent. Some show that moringa consumption can lower glucose levels after meals. Researchers say that differences between moringa varieties and preparation methods could cause differing results.

Cancer Treatment

In a lab study, moringa slowed the growth of human pancreatic cancer cells and improved the effect of chemotherapy drugs. Researchers state that moringa is well-tolerated by lab animals. More studies are needed to prove the effectiveness and safety of moringa for people with cancer.

Brain Health

In an animal study, moringa leaf extract had positive effects on brain chemistry. Researchers concluded that moringa should be investigated as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Protection Against Chronic Disease

The leaves of the moringa tree contain several compounds that can stave off chronic disease. These substances include polyphenols, tannins, saponins, and others. Besides combating heart disease, liver damage, and diabetes, these compounds also fight chronic inflammation.

Potential Risks of Moringa Tea

Both animal and human studies have shown moringa to be generally safe. Still, moringa products could pose a risk to some individuals. Before you use moringa tea, consider these potential health risks:

Drug Interactions

Moringa can decrease the effectiveness of at least one diabetes drug. It can increase the side effects of other drugs. If you take medications, talk to your doctor before drinking moringa tea.

Pregnancy Concerns

In animal studies, moringa has inhibited reproduction. The bark of the moringa tree has been linked to a risk of miscarriage. Although moringa tea is not made from bark, pregnant women should avoid moringa altogether.ADVERTISING

Interaction with Chemotherapy 

Moringa has been shown to boost the effectiveness of certain chemotherapy drugs. Still, those undergoing chemotherapy should not use herbal products unless they ask their doctor first. Herbs can interact with chemotherapy drugs.